Civic Shout

Tell the Wall Street Journal: Retract Your Biden Hit Piece

On Wednesday, the Wall Street Journal published a malicious hit piece that used anonymous Republican sources to mislead its readers about Pres. Biden's mental acuity.

The piece, entitled “Behind Closed Doors, Biden Shows Signs of Slipping," supposedly relied on interviews with 45 individuals, while the only person quoted on the record strongly criticizing Pres. Biden was disgraced former Republican Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy.

After the piece was published, several Democratic elected officials have come forward to say they were interviewed on the record for the piece, and strongly disputed its central thesis. Notably, none of these Democrats – who included former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, Senator Patti Murray and Senator Jack Reed – were quoted in the story.

Let's be clear about what this is. The right-wing Wall Street Journal is desperately trying to shift the election narrative away from Trump's felony convictions. They're intentionally misleading their readers to paint a picture that they know from their reporting is not accurate.

It's a disgrace to journalism. We need to fight back now by demanding that the Wall Street Journal fully retracts the article and apologizes for misleading its readers. Add your name to our petition if you agree.
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