Civic Shout

Tell Norway: No Deep Sea Mining

Norway serves as co-chair of the major international panel on sustainable oceans, but despite that, it's currently moving forward on a plan to open 281,000 square kilometers to highly-destructive deep sea mining.

In response, a coalition of 30 climate and conservation organizations just sent a letter to the country's leaders urging it to abandon its plans.

"By embarking on mining in the deep sea without sufficient knowledge, we risk destroying unique nature, eradicating vulnerable species, and disrupting the world's largest carbon sink," said Sofia Tsenikli, global campaign lead for the Deep Sea Conservation Coalition. 

"At a time when humanity is racing against the clock to tackle both the climate crisis and the biodiversity crisis, we should protect nature—not destroy it," she continued.

Sign the petition urging Norway to ditch its reckless plans to mine the ocean.
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