Civic Shout

Tell Governors: Pardon All Marijuana Convictions

Maryland Governor Wes Moore is taking a historic step by pardoning 175,000 individuals with marijuana-related convictions. This bold move addresses the lasting impacts of the War on Drugs, which has disproportionately harmed communities of color, deepening economic and social disparities. 

By clearing these convictions, Gov. Moore removed barriers that have long hindered the affected individuals' opportunities for employment, housing, and a better future. We must seize this moment to push for broader change by demanding that other governors follow Wes Moore’s lead.

Sign the petition urging governors across the nation to follow Wes Moore's lead and pardon all marijuana convictions. 

The War on Drugs has disproportionately targeted people of color, deepening economic disparities and marginalizing entire communities. By expunging these convictions, we rectify past wrongs, open doors to economic opportunities, and restore faith in our democratic institutions.

Maryland has set a precedent for states across the nation. Gov. Moore's decision exemplifies the immediate action we must take to address systemic issues and calls for all to act swiftly and decisively. By pushing other governors to take similar actions, we can create a ripple effect that leads to widespread reform.

Tell your governor to take immediate action and pardon all marijuana convictions.  Together, we can turn this historic step into a nationwide movement for justice and equality. 
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