Civic Shout

Sign the petition: No racist laws in Oklahoma

Republicans in Oklahoma have gone for the triple crown of horrible policies.

State representative JJ Humphrey has introduced a bill that labels any Latino arrested and convicted in the state of Oklahoma a terrorist.

Is this dangerous? Yep.
Is this unconstitutional? Sure is.
Is this racist? 100 percent.

It should be obvious to any well-meaning person that such a bill, targeting a law against a specific group of people because of their race/ethnicity, is illegal. But apparently, for some  Republicans, why let the Constitution stand in the way of targeting Americans with discriminatory laws? 

Thankfully, folks are already demanding Rep. Humphrey be held accountable for this outrageous idea, and we hope you support us in opposing this disgusting, misguided, and unconstitutional bill.  Sign the petition: No racist laws in Oklahoma!
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