Civic Shout

Remove Sen. Ron Johnson from the Homeland Security Committee

Senator Ron Johnson has once again demonstrated that he has no business serving on the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee. 

In a recent interview, Johnson suggested—without evidence—that the federal government might have been involved in coups to remove JFK, Nixon, and Donald Trump. 

This kind of unhinged, conspiratorial thinking calls into serious question his fitness for a position that requires clear judgment and a commitment to facts.

Johnson’s bizarre claims don’t stop there. He has previously spread misinformation about the 2020 election, promoting false claims about fake electors and undermining public trust in our democracy. He’s also made outlandish statements about COVID-19 vaccines and even referred to Social Security as a "Ponzi scheme"—a position widely debunked and rejected by experts. 

These statements not only defy reality but also pose a threat to national security when coming from someone in such a critical role​.

If a Democratic senator made such absurd claims, it would dominate national news for days. Yet, Johnson’s dangerous rhetoric seems to be excused by his colleagues. His presence on the Homeland Security Committee is a liability to the very mission of protecting the American people.

By signing this petition, you’re calling on Senate leadership to remove Ron Johnson from the Homeland Security Committee. We need leaders who are committed to facts and the rule of law, not conspiracy theorists who undermine public trust in our government.
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