Civic Shout

Protect Libraries: Stop Book Bans!

Across the country, far-right state legislatures and local school boards have enacted policies to ban books from schools and libraries. In some cases, they’re even subjecting teachers and librarians to criminal charges for possession of such books. 

Books are a tool of knowledge. They should be widely available on any topic without political jurisdiction. 

Sign the petition today to protect libraries and stop book bans.

The climate and push for more bans has teachers and librarians feeling fearful, confused and stressed. 

Lindsey Kimery, the coordinator of library services for Metro-Nashville Public School, said she has “no hidden agenda other than reading was my favorite thing. Having books by and for LGBTQ+ students does not mean we are out there promoting it. It just means we have books for those readers, too. What I try to convey is that the library is a place for voluntary inquiry.” 

Readers should be able to read about topics of their choosing. Book bans further push readers away from learning about new topics and turning an educational activity into a political game. 
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