Civic Shout

Keep Guns Out of Schools, Not Civil Rights Books

Another tragic school shooting has rocked the nation, this time in Georgia, reigniting the debate over gun safety in our schools.

In a powerful response, Minnesota Governor and Democratic Vice Presidential nominee Tim Walz rightly pointed out the hypocrisy of Republicans pushing for book bans while ignoring the real threat of gun violence in our schools.

Governor Walz is right: we need to focus on keeping guns out of our schools, not on banning books that teach our children about equality and justice.

Tell policy makers: Keep guns out of schools, not civil rights and LGBTQ+ rights books.

The statistics are horrifying. School shootings in the United States have reached record numbers, with 302 incidents just last year alone, making our country an outlier in the developed world. Instead of tackling this epidemic of violence,

Republicans are distracting the public with efforts to ban books they don’t like, particularly those that address race, gender, and sexual orientation. Meanwhile, JD Vance heartlessly remarked that school shootings are now just a "fact of life"—as if we should simply accept this carnage.

Republican efforts to restrict access to civil rights and LGBTQ+ rights books in states like Texas, Florida, and Ohio only serve to further divide us, all while the real danger—guns in schools—is left unchecked.

It's time to prioritize the safety of our children by keeping guns out of schools and stopping the senseless efforts to ban books that educate and inspire the next generation. Add your name to the petition if you agree.
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