Civic Shout

Denounce the Fraternal Order of Police for Endorsing Trump

In a hypocritical and outrageous, the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) has chosen to endorse Donald Trump for president. The endorsement came despite the fact that Trump is a convicted felon, currently on trial for numerous additional crimes, and has openly discussed pardoning those who attacked and killed law enforcement during the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol.

This endorsement is an insult to the very values of law enforcement that the FOP claims to uphold. How can a police union support a candidate who has been convicted of fraud, whose criminal trials are ongoing, and who incited an attack on our democracy?

Adding insult to injury, the FOP’s decision to endorse Trump over Vice President Kamala Harris, a former prosecutor with a long and successful record of enforcing the law, raises serious questions about the FOP's commitment to the rule of law. Harris's experience as a prosecutor proves her dedication to justice, yet the FOP has thrown its support behind a man who has repeatedly undermined the legal system.

This endorsement by the FOP not only tarnishes the integrity of law enforcement but also signals that their priorities are politically motivated rather than rooted in upholding the principles of justice. We must speak out against this reckless decision.

Let’s demand that the Fraternal Order of Police withdraw its endorsement of Donald Trump and reconsider its commitment to upholding the values it claims to defend.
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